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Featured Drinks
You.C1000 Lemon Vitamin Drink 140ml
YOU•C1000 Vitamin Lemon is a delicious health beverage containing of Vitamin C that supports a healthy lifestyle and will leave you feeling refreshed.
KSh155.00 -
You.C1000 Lemon Water 500ml
A delicious health beverage containing 1000 mg of Vitamin C that supports a healthy lifestyle and will leave you feeling refreshed every day.
KSh260.00 -
You.C1000 Orange Water 500ml
A delicious health beverage containing 1000 mg of Vitamin C that supports a healthy lifestyle and will leave you feeling refreshed every day.
KSh260.00 -
Sprite Can 330ml
Sprite is a colorless, lemon and lime-flavored soft drink. With its refreshing flavor, sprite quenches your thirst and helps you keep your cool
KSh100.00 -
Fanta Can 330ml
This drink has an intense orange flavor. This delicious Fanta Orange Drink will surely satisfy your taste buds. Perfect to share with family and friends.
KSh100.00 -