Tequilla Rose Strawberry Cream 750 ml
The Original Strawberry Cream Liqueur with a splash of tequila. Tequila Rose is best served as a chilled shot, but there are countless ways to get your Rose on. Mix it in everything from delicious cocktails to adult milkshakes, or use it to add a slight strawberry kick to cakes, coffee, or cocoa. Tequila Rose is as versatile as it is delicious.
KSh2,550.00 -
Sheridah’s Coffee Layered Liquer 1 Litre
Sheridan’s is an Irish liquor. It has 15% ABV (alcohol by volume). Its Perfect Pour mechanism layers the two liquids in one single motion, ensuring an excellent serving of Irish coffee liqueur every time.
KSh4,150.00 -
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