Best Sellers
Remy Martin Cognac Fine Champagne V.S.O.P 700ml
Remy martin vsop is a French cognac classified as vsop cognac. It has 40% ABV (alcohol by volume). It is offered in 700 ml
KSh10,800.00 -
Don Julio Anejo Tequila 700ml
Don Julio Añejo: Elevate your moments with this premium tequila. Aged for a minimum of 18 months, it unveils a symphony of caramel, vanilla, and oak notes.KSh9,800.00 -
Chivas regal 15 years XV 750ml
Chivas XV 15-Year-Old Blended Scotch Whisky is selectively finished in the most prized casks. The resulting whisky has a warm amber glow, bursting with notes of rich sultanas and touches of cinnamon. Luxurious, unique, and celebratory, it’s certainly a 15-year wait worth toasting.
Because blended is better, in life and Scotch.KSh8,850.00
Featured Drinks
Chrome Gin 250ml
Chrome Gin is a smooth and crisp gin inspired by the exuberance of the streets and recognizes the vibrant urban consumer.
ABV 40% 250ml
KSh260.00 -
Don Julio Blanco 750ml
Don Julio Blanco is a Mexican liquor classified as silver tequila. It is available at Spirit hacks and contains 38% ABV(alcohol by volume).
KSh7,200.00 -
Johnnie Walker Double Black 1 Litre
Johnnie Walker Double Black is a popular blended Scottish Whisky mostly taken on special occasions. Johnnie Walker Double Black 1 litre contains 40% alcohol.
KSh5,400.00 -