Best Sellers
Chrome Gin 250ml
Chrome Gin is a smooth and crisp gin inspired by the exuberance of the streets and recognizes the vibrant urban consumer.
ABV 40% 250ml
KSh260.00 -
Featured Drinks
Chivas Regal 12 Years 750ml
Chivas Regal 12 is smooth, rich & generous. A blend of the finest malt & grain whiskies matured for at least 12 years, with luxurious honey, vanilla.
KSh4,350.00 -
Chivas regal 15 years XV 750ml
Chivas XV 15-Year-Old Blended Scotch Whisky is selectively finished in the most prized casks. The resulting whisky has a warm amber glow, bursting with notes of rich sultanas and touches of cinnamon. Luxurious, unique, and celebratory, it’s certainly a 15-year wait worth toasting.
Because blended is better, in life and Scotch.KSh8,850.00 -
Hendrick’s Gin 1 Litre
The ABV (Alcohol by Volume) content in Hendricks Gin is 44% and is offered in different sizes including 1L, 750 Ml. This gin has an elegantly smooth palate.
KSh7,250.00 -
Hendrick’s Gin 750ml
The ABV (Alcohol by Volume) content in Hendricks Gin is 44% and is offered in different sizes including 750 Ml. This gin has an elegantly smooth palate.
KSh6,200.00 -
Jack Daniel Tenessee Honey 1 Litre
Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey is a blend of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey and a unique honey liqueur of our own making, for a taste that’s one-of-a-kind and unmistakably Jack. With hints of honey and a naturally smooth finish, Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey is something special.
KSh4,700.00 -
Jack Daniel Tennesse Honey 700ml
Jack Daniels Honey is an American whisky classified as American bourbon whisky. It has 35% ABV (alcohol by volume). It is offered in 700ml at Spirit Hacks Liquor store.
KSh4,300.00 -
Malfy Gin Con Limone 750ml
Delectable Italian sun-ripened lemons and Amalfi lemon peel elevate the fine botanicals and handpicked juniper to make this an essential gin for any season.
KSh4,500.00 -
Malfy Gin Rosa 750 ml
Malfy Gin Rosa is an Italian liquor classified as Flavoured gin. It has 41% ABV (alcohol by volume). It is offered in 750 ml
KSh4,500.00 -
Tequilla Rose Strawberry Cream 750 ml
The Original Strawberry Cream Liqueur with a splash of tequila. Tequila Rose is best served as a chilled shot, but there are countless ways to get your Rose on. Mix it in everything from delicious cocktails to adult milkshakes, or use it to add a slight strawberry kick to cakes, coffee, or cocoa. Tequila Rose is as versatile as it is delicious.
KSh2,550.00 -
Don Julio Anejo Tequila 700ml
Don Julio Añejo: Elevate your moments with this premium tequila. Aged for a minimum of 18 months, it unveils a symphony of caramel, vanilla, and oak notes.KSh9,800.00 -
Don Julio Reposado 750ml
With a mellow, elegant flavor and inviting aroma, Don Julio Reposado Tequila is best savored as part of a refreshing-tasting drink or chilled on the rocks.
KSh8,500.00 -
Gordons Dry Gin 750ml
Gordon’s London Dry gin is carefully distilled using a secret recipe. The distinctively refreshing taste comes from the finest handpicked juniper berries.
ABV 37.7% 750ml
KSh1,900.00 -
Gordons Premium Pink Gin 700ml
Gordon’s Premium Pink distilled gin balances the refreshing taste of Gordon’s with the sweetness of raspberry and the tang of redcurrant.
ABV 37.7% 700ml
KSh2,100.00 -
Beefeater London Pink Dry Gin 750ml
This London dry gin is vapor-infused with a hand-selected bouquet of 10 botanicals. It is one of those that is distinctly gin but not overwhelmingly flavored
ABV 37.5%
KSh2,200.00 -
Gilbeys Gin 250ml
Composed Of Twelve Ingredients, The Gin Creates A Smooth, Dry Refreshing Gin. With A Hint Of Citrus And Freshness Of A Cottage Garden.
KSh650.00 -
Gilbeys Gin 350ml
Composed Of Twelve Ingredients, The Gin Creates A Smooth, Dry Refreshing Gin. With A Hint Of Citrus And Freshness Of A Cottage Garden.
ABV 37.7 % 250ml
KSh700.00 -
Tanqueray Malacca 1 Litre
Tanqueray Malacca is an England liquor classified as Flavoured gin. It has 41% ABV (alcohol by volume). It is offered in 1 litre
KSh4,200.00 -
Tanqueray Royale Blackcurrant 700ml
Tanqueray Blackcurrant Royale distilled gin combines juicy blackcurrants with delicate vanilla for a truly sumptuous taste, carrying hints of black orchid.
KSh3,000.00 -
Tanqueray London Dry Gin 750ml
Tanqueray London Dry Gin has a flavor that shines through in sophisticated cocktails and vibrant gin and tonics.
KSh3,600.00 -
Smirnoff Vodka 350ml
Smirnoff Vodka is triple distilled and exceptionally smooth. It is filtered ten times in a unique process for ultimate clarity.
KSh400.00 -
Belvedere Vodka 700ml
Belvedere is a popular Poland Vodka mostly taken during special occasions. Belvedere Vodka 700ml contains 40% alcohol.
KSh3,600.00 -
Smirnoff No.21 Vodka
Smirnoff No 21 is a Russian vodka classified as Clear vodka. It has 37% ABV (alcohol by volume).