Best Sellers
Chrome Gin 250ml
Chrome Gin is a smooth and crisp gin inspired by the exuberance of the streets and recognizes the vibrant urban consumer.
ABV 40% 250ml
KSh260.00 -
Featured Drinks
Chrome Vodka 750ml
Chrome Vodka is a popular Vodka from Kenya that stands out from the crowd with style. Chrome Vodka contains 40% alcohol.
KSh700.00 -
Stolichnaya Vodka 0.75 L
Stolichnaya, commonly known as Stoli, is a popular Russian vodka brand renowned for its smooth and clean taste. Produced using high-quality ingredients and traditional distillation methods.
KSh2,000.00 -
Ciroc Snap 750ml
Ciroc is a five-times distilled French vodka, made with grapes that are harvested when frozen. This is a very fancy and chic premium vodka.
KSh4,300.00 -
Cruz Classic Black 750ml
Cruz Vintage Black Vodka is a popular American vodka that stands out from the crowd with style. Cruz Vintage Black Vodka 750ml contains 40% alcohol.
KSh1,970.00 -
Remy Martin Cognac Fine Champagne V.S.O.P 700ml
Remy martin vsop is a French cognac classified as vsop cognac. It has 40% ABV (alcohol by volume). It is offered in 700 ml
KSh10,800.00 -
Captain Morgan Gold 750ml
Notes of sweet wood and hazelnut come together to create a perfectly balanced spirit with a smooth finish.
KSh1,300.00 -
Sheridah’s Coffee Layered Liquer 1 Litre
Sheridan’s is an Irish liquor. It has 15% ABV (alcohol by volume). Its Perfect Pour mechanism layers the two liquids in one single motion, ensuring an excellent serving of Irish coffee liqueur every time.
KSh4,150.00 -
Singleton Scotch Whisky 15 Years 700ml
A perfectly balanced & smooth Single Malt Scotch Whisky. This 15-year-old Single Malt was matured in a secret combination of European & American oak casks
KSh6,600.00 -
Singleton Scotch Whisky 18 Years 700ml
Singleton 18 Years is a single malt Scottish Whisky mostly taken during special occasions. Singleton 18 Years 700ml contains 40% alcohol.
KSh8,500.00 -
Johnnie Walker Red Label 750ml
Johnnie Walker’s red label is a Scotch whisky classified as Blended scotch whisky. It has 40% ABV (alcohol by volume). It is offered in 750 ml.
KSh2,000.00 -
Ballentine’s Blended Scotch Whisky 1 Litre
Ballantine’s finest 1ltr is a popular Scottish Whisky mostly taken during special occasions. Ballantine’s Finest 1 ltr contains 40% alcohol.
KSh3,200.00 -