Best Sellers
Penasol Red Medium Sweet Wine 1 Litre
Penasol Dry Red wine is characterized by its garnet color and its fruity palate. It is an easy-drinking wine that fits in with present tastes.
KSh700.00 -
Graham Beck Brut Chardonnay 75cl
Beautiful harmony between lengthy Chardonnay and fragrant Pinot Noir. The result is a sparkling wine with a fine mousse giving freshness and finesse elegant ripe fruit and light yeast aromas and a rich creamy complexity on the palate.
KSh3,200.00 -
Versus Red 2020 1 Litre
This wine is characterized by its garnet color and its fruity palate. It is an easy-drinking wine that fits in with present tastes.
KSh1,400.00 -
Nederburg Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Alluring notes of bell pepper, asparagus, and hints of gooseberry and passion fruit in the background. Medium-bodied with a medley of fruit flavors on the first sip, rounded off by crisp acidity and a long aftertaste.
KSh1,700.00 -
Versus White 2020 1 Litre
Versus White is a very easy-drinking blend with low alcohol and lots of ripe apple, peach, and other muscat fruit flavors for a fresh clean finish.
Featured Drinks
Pearl Bay Sweet White Wine 750ml
Pearly Bay Sweet White is an easy-drinking sweet, fruity white wine. The wine has lush juicy peach and ripe apricots with undertones of floral blossoms. It’s a wine designed to please, and sweetness is part of that appeal.
KSh1,200.00 -
Carlo Rossi White Wine 750ml
Carlo Rossi is a grape variety that is light-bodied, pale straw in color, crispy, and with a grassy aroma with green apple flavor.
KSh1,200.00 -
Versus White 2020 1 Litre
Versus White is a very easy-drinking blend with low alcohol and lots of ripe apple, peach, and other muscat fruit flavors for a fresh clean finish.
KSh1,800.00 -
4th Street Sweet White 750ml
This delightfully refreshing wine displays loads of tropical fruit notes on the nose and a burst of sweet fruity flavors on the palate.
KSh950.00 -
Chateau Cavalier 750ml
Pale pink, raspberry with bluish tints. Very complex with an intense first nose showing notes of citrus and red fruit.
KSh2,450.00 -
Waterford Pecan Stream Chenin Blanc 2021 750ml
A wine style that is driven by fruit, flavor, and balance. The wine is led by aromatics of fresh pear, peach, apricot, and hints of honeycomb and white flowers.
KSh1,500.00 -
Catena Chardonnay 75cl
A deliciously rich, broad, tropical fruit-flavored wine made with grapes from prime low-yielding vines given long, cool fermentation with natural wild yeast and aged in 100% French oak barrels.
KSh2,450.00 -
Waterford Pecan Stream Pebble Hill 75cl
A unique blend in its class with the use of Italian and Spanish grape varietals. This wine shows off fruit-forward aromatics of violets, cherries, and licorice accompanied by notes of classical cigar box spice.
KSh2,000.00 -
Graham Beck Brut Zero 750ml
Graham Beck Brut wine is a delightful sparkling wine that exudes light yeasty aromas, limey fresh fruit on the nose, and rich creamy complexity on the palate.
KSh4,800.00 -
Moet & Chandon Imperial 750ml
Moet & Chandon Imperial Brut is a sweet-tasting bubbly characterized by a bright and elegant golden straw yellow color with amber tones giving it such an appealing appearance. The nose is complex revealing the radiant aromas of honey, apple, and floral nuances
KSh8,500.00 -
Graham Beck Brut 1.5 Litre
This iconic bubbly, choice of presidents, princes, and pop stars, epitomizes Graham Beck’s passionate pursuit of the perfect bubble
KSh9,550.00 -
Catena Cabernet Sauvignon 2019 750ml
The Catena Cabernet Sauvignon shows a dark ruby color with violet tones. On the nose, it offers intense aromas of ripe raspberries and cassis with notes of pepper, clove, and a touch of cedar.
KSh2,500.00 -
Versus Red 2020 1 Litre
A dry Red wine from Western Cape, South Africa. Made from Shiraz/Syrah, Ruby Cabernet, Cinsault
KSh1,600.00 -
Versus Sweet Red 750ml
Versus sweet red blend with low alcohol and accessible ripe cherry and berry flavors with a lingering, spicy oak finish
KSh1,400.00 -
Carlo Rossi Red Wine 750ml
Carlo Rossi California Red is a smooth-bodied Californian wine blended with notes of blackberries. It has that smooth fruity flavor and a balanced and clean finish. Carlo Rossi is the perfect choice for wine drinkers who prefer something nice and easy.
KSh1,350.00 -
4th Street Red Wine 750ml
4th Street Red wine is a rare medium-bodied wine that is a blend of sweet red wine obtained from selected vineyards with quality grapes grown in western Cape, South Africa.
KSh990.00KSh1,100.00 -