Best Sellers
Penasol Red Medium Sweet Wine 1 Litre
Penasol Dry Red wine is characterized by its garnet color and its fruity palate. It is an easy-drinking wine that fits in with present tastes.
Featured Drinks
You.C1000 Lemon Vitamin Drink 140ml
YOU•C1000 Vitamin Lemon is a delicious health beverage containing of Vitamin C that supports a healthy lifestyle and will leave you feeling refreshed.
KSh155.00 -
You.C1000 Lemon Water 500ml
A delicious health beverage containing 1000 mg of Vitamin C that supports a healthy lifestyle and will leave you feeling refreshed every day.
KSh260.00 -
You.C1000 Orange Water 500ml
A delicious health beverage containing 1000 mg of Vitamin C that supports a healthy lifestyle and will leave you feeling refreshed every day.
KSh260.00 -
Belaire Brut Gold 750ml
Luc Belaire Gold is a well-balanced, elegant cuvée made of a blend of hand-picked Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes from the Burgundy region of France.
KSh5,700.00 -
Chivas Regal 12 Years 750ml
Chivas Regal 12 is smooth, rich & generous. A blend of the finest malt & grain whiskies matured for at least 12 years, with luxurious honey, vanilla.
KSh4,350.00 -
Chivas regal 15 years XV 750ml
Chivas XV 15-Year-Old Blended Scotch Whisky is selectively finished in the most prized casks. The resulting whisky has a warm amber glow, bursting with notes of rich sultanas and touches of cinnamon. Luxurious, unique, and celebratory, it’s certainly a 15-year wait worth toasting.
Because blended is better, in life and Scotch.KSh8,850.00 -
Drostdy-Hof Claret Select Dry Red 750ml
Drostdy-Hof Claret Select is a ruby red-appearing medium-bodied red wine. It is a blend of abundant ripe fruit with strawberry and mulberry, which offer a rich bouquet of complex berry flavors on the palate.
The wine pairs perfectly with game, pasta, and poultry dishes.
KSh1,200.00 -
Drostdy Hof Premier Grand Cru 750ml
Drostdy-Hof Premier Grand Cru is a young, fresh, dry white wine of the Chenin Blanc, Colombard, and Sauvignon Blanc varieties.
KSh1,600.00 -
Hendrick’s Gin 1 Litre
The ABV (Alcohol by Volume) content in Hendricks Gin is 44% and is offered in different sizes including 1L, 750 Ml. This gin has an elegantly smooth palate.
KSh7,250.00 -
Hendrick’s Gin 750ml
The ABV (Alcohol by Volume) content in Hendricks Gin is 44% and is offered in different sizes including 750 Ml. This gin has an elegantly smooth palate.
KSh6,200.00 -
Jack Daniel Tenessee Honey 1 Litre
Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey is a blend of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey and a unique honey liqueur of our own making, for a taste that’s one-of-a-kind and unmistakably Jack. With hints of honey and a naturally smooth finish, Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey is something special.
KSh4,700.00 -
Jack Daniel Tennesse Honey 700ml
Jack Daniels Honey is an American whisky classified as American bourbon whisky. It has 35% ABV (alcohol by volume). It is offered in 700ml at Spirit Hacks Liquor store.
KSh4,300.00 -
Malfy Gin Con Limone 750ml
Delectable Italian sun-ripened lemons and Amalfi lemon peel elevate the fine botanicals and handpicked juniper to make this an essential gin for any season.
KSh4,500.00 -
Malfy Gin Rosa 750 ml
Malfy Gin Rosa is an Italian liquor classified as Flavoured gin. It has 41% ABV (alcohol by volume). It is offered in 750 ml
KSh4,500.00 -
Namaqua Sweet Red 750 ml
Namaqua Sweet Red is a delightfully sweet wine with beautiful flavors of fresh red fruits and a smoky strawberry aroma.
On the palate, the wine is sweet but with a firm structure from touch tannin courtesy of Merlot, Pinotage, and Ruby Cabernet.
KSh1,700.00 -
Nederburg Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Alluring notes of bell pepper, asparagus, and hints of gooseberry and passion fruit in the background. Medium-bodied with a medley of fruit flavors on the first sip, rounded off by crisp acidity and a long aftertaste.