Best Sellers
Penasol Red Medium Sweet Wine 1 Litre
Penasol Dry Red wine is characterized by its garnet color and its fruity palate. It is an easy-drinking wine that fits in with present tastes.
Featured Drinks
Two Vines Cab Sauv 750ml
USA, 750 ml, 13.0%
KSh2,550.00 -
Tons de Duorum Red 750ml
Portugal, 750 ml, 13.5%
KSh2,597.00 -
Stimson Red Blend 750ml
USA, 750 ml, 13.0%
KSh2,200.00 -
Stellenbosch Pinotage 750ml
South Africa, 750 ml, 14.0%
KSh2,980.00 -
Stags Leap Wine Cellars Artemis Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml
USA, 750 ml, 14.5%
KSh24,099.00 -
Plantaze Vranac 750ml
Montenegro, 750 ml, 14.0%
KSh2,750.00 -
Plantaze Merlot 750ml
Montenegro, 750 ml, 13.5%
KSh2,550.00 -
Pe Tinto Red Blend 750ml
Portugal, 750 ml, 13.5%
KSh1,950.00 -
Mucho Mas Red Wine- White Edition
Spain, 750 ml, 12.0%
KSh2,200.00 -
Mucho Mas Red Wine- Gold Edition
Spain, 750 ml, 14.0%
KSh3,400.00 -
Mosketto Rosso Red 750ml
Italy, 750 ml, 10.5%
KSh1,950.00 -
Monte Velho Red 750ml
Portugal, 750 ml, 13.0%
KSh2,599.00 -
Leorpad’s Leap Merlot
South Africa, 750 ml, 14.0%
KSh1,815.00 -
Leorpad’s Leap Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 750ml
South Africa, 750 ml, 14.0%
KSh1,815.00 -
Intrisic Cabernet Sauvignon
USA, 750 ml, 14.0%
KSh6,100.00 -
El Esteco Altimvs 750ml
Argentina, 750 ml, 14.5%
KSh6,500.00 -
Dos Almas Gran Reserva Red Blend
Chile, 750 ml, 14.0%
KSh3,200.00 -
Delush Sweet Red 750ml
South Africa, 750 ml, 10.0%
KSh1,155.00 -
Castillo Aresan Tempranillo
Spain, 750 ml, 13.5%
KSh2,700.00 -
Columbia Crest Cabernet Sauvignon
USA, 750 ml, 13.5%
KSh3,450.00 -
Clavet Grand Rserve Bordeaux Rogue 750ml
France, 750 ml, 13.5%
KSh2,115.00 -
Clavet Grand Rserve Bordeaux Rogue 1.5 Litre
France, 1.5 L, 13.5%
KSh4,345.00 -
Calvet Beaujolais 2019 750ml
France, 750 ml, 13.0%