Jagermeister 700ml
Jagermeister is a German bitter-sweet herbal liquor. Has a syrupy sweetness balanced by spice and peppery spirit.
Jagermeister – the liquor with an unpronounceable name – is made with 56 herbs, fruits, roots, and spices at a strength of 35% ABV.
The original distiller was an enthusiastic game hunter, hence the name, which translates to ‘master hunter’ or ‘master of hunt’. Some aspect of this is evident on the logo.
Jagermeister has heavy scents of menthol, cloves, cinnamon, and ginger. The taste is fully flavoured, wonderfully complex with cola cubes.
Some of the ingredients such as the menthol, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and gentian leave a long, mentholated aftertaste with mild alcoholic presence.
To best enjoy this drink, serve as cold as you possibly can; on the rocks or chilled.
Alcohol Content | 35% |
Size | 700ml |
Country of Origin | Germany |
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